Manly Palmer Hall
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Manly Palmer Hall nacido el 18 de marzo de 1901 y fallecido el 29 de agosto de 1990 era un autor canadiense sobre el ocultismo, la mitología y las religiones. Su obra más conocida es The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy[1]
En 1973, Hall recibió el grado honorífico 33º de la masonería de Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado[2] [3] sin al parecer haber sido iniciado en una logia simbólica.[4]
[editar] Obras
- The Secret Teachings of All Ages, 1928 PRS
- Meditation Symbols In Eastern & Western Mysticism-Mysteries of the Mandala, The Philosophical research Society,Inc.,1988. ISBN 0-89314-543-2
- Lectures on ancient philosophy: An Introduction to Practical Ideals
- The Adepts Series PRS
- Lady of Dreams: A fable in the manner of the Chinese (Los Angeles, 1943)
- The blessed angels: a monograph
- Lectures on Ancient Philosophy—An Introduction to the Study and Application of Rational Procedure, The Hall Publishing Company, Los Angeles, First Edition, 1929, Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins (chapter 19)
- Introduction to Max Heindel's Blavatsky and The Secret Doctrine, 1933 [2],
- Atlantis, An Interpretation
- Noah and His Wonderful Ark
[editar] Enlaces y referencias externas
- The Manly P. Hall Archive
- Hall, Manly P. The Lost Keys of Freemasonry. New York: Penguin Books, 2006. Originally published 1923.
- Library of Congress holdings
- Philosophical Research Society - Manly Palmer Hall biography
- The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages at
- The Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Deluxe Online Edition
- En portugués
- En español
[editar] Notas y referencias
- ↑ Sub Rosa Magazine - Issue 6, October 2006, includes a profile of Hall that mentions a "sole biographical record" called Growing Up With Grandmother; ISBN 0-89314-420-7.
- ↑ MPH Biography
- ↑ Manly P. Hall's Obituary, Scottish Rite Journal, November, 1990, p. 22. [1]. (Note: archives don't go back this far so this reference is in question. However, the Philosophical Research Society Manly Palmer Hall biography states this (word-for-word) except the text on this page claimed the 33º was the second highest honor, which has since been corrected. The Supreme Council - Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? - The Methods of Anti-Masons questions Hall's Mason authority status.
- ↑ Manly Palmer Hall, The Lost Keys of Fremasonry p. 6
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